In Southern Oregon


  • kerbyville museum
  • kerby
  • antiques

Kerby was pretty much Kerby by 1850 with a population of around 500 which it never exceeded. The mining of gold was its principal mineral although it had some success with others such as quicksilver, iron, cobalt and ilmenite. The town still has a few buildings standing and maybe a resident or two. In it heyday years ago, the courthouse stood in the shade of a huge oak tree which still stands. Convicted prisoners were removed from the courthouse, hustled outside and hung. No waiting. SUBMITTED By: Henry Chenowith
Kirby still has many residents. The only remaining original buildings are a grange building built in 1889, the old school house and a miners cabin and a house built in 1871 by the Naucke family who owned the general store. The hanging tree mentioned in previous writing became rotten and fell in 1964 according to museum staff.

The school house was moved to its current location next to the Kirbyville museum in the hope of preserving it. The old miners cabin also on the museum property was built in 1834 and moved to its current location in 1982 by a local construction company also to preserve it.

The Kerbyville Museum is worth seeing and has many items from the period and town as well as military memorabilia. The Naucke house is also open and is well worth seeing. The museum fee is quite modest and the staff very knowledgeable. (Submitted By Doug and Barbara Renfrow).

Since 1959, the Museum
has offered exhibits that cover a wide variety of real life experiences from the Illinois Valley from the turn of the century. The Kerbyville Museum displays a fine collection of pioneer artifacts, presented in an historOf special interest is an exhibit of early day Native Americans basketry, grinding tools and stones, blankets, arrow and spear points, pottery and many other artifacts. This is a colorful display, not to be overlooked, and to realize, the beautiful colors used were made from herbs and roots by these Indians of long ago.
The building housing Kerbyville Museum was erected by Frank Stith in the 1870's. Sucker Creek School District #41 was organized in 1898 and the log building, built on William Grimmetts's homestead was named Grimmett School. This is just one of the many Historical Museums located throughout Oregon.

The Historic Town of Kerby in Southern Oregon is between Selma and Cave Junction along Hwy 199.
Location: 24195 Redwood Hwy
Kerby Oregon 97531
Phone 541-592-5252

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